We Use Wodify

Resolve Fitness CrossFit Hawthorne uses Wodify as it's gym management software

In-Gym Experience


View workout components, instructional videos, performance leaderboards, results tracking, and more.

Enter  your scores and connect with other members on the digital Whiteboard while initiating friendly competition inside the gym.

Performance Tracking

Track your progress as you advance in your workouts.

Form positive relationships with a built-in social experience that extends beyond your gym.

Stay Organized


Control class access, based on different membership types.

Appointment Booking

Book appointments with your gym right through the Wodify app.

Class Management

Manage what classes you sign up for and see when they are scheduled.

Calendar Syncing

Sync your classes and appointments with your personal calendar.

Build Community

Social Sharing

Connect with new members through their social media channels.

Share your progress and success with those in your social networks

Social Leaderboard

See how you stack against the other members of your gym with a little friendly competition

Stay in Touch

In-App Chat

Use the Wodify app to chat privately with your coaches and other members of your gym.


If you are someone who travels a lot for work or pleasure, the WodiFind feature of the Wodify app is incredibly helpful in tracking down local CrossFit boxes for you to get your daily exercise.

Let Resolve Elevate Your Fitness

Your journey starts now. Join us for a no-sweat intro or book your Trial Class today!

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